It is the policy of Geotechnics & Concrete Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited (GCE) to maintain a Management System which ensures that all activities of GCE including Ground Investigation Works, Construction Materials Testing & Inspection, Equipments Calibration and relevant services are carried out with control and limited impact to the public and natural environment. This goal shall be accomplished through proper handling of wastes, reducing energy and resources consumption, recycling used materials and maintaining good practice in the use of hazardous chemicals. The system also aims to minimize the exposure of employees, stakeholders, customers, subcontractors, and the general community to Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) risks associated with the activities and services of GCE.

This policy, an integral part of GCE’s Management System, satisfies the requirements of International Standard ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018. To ensure consistent improvement in GCE's environmental and OH&S performance, continual system reviews and audits will be conducted.

Management is aware that all persons working for or on behalf of the company play an essential role in the implementation and execution of GCE’s Management System. This policy will be explained to all new staff members during his or her induction training on the first day prior to their commencement of work. All necessary training and resources required to support this policy will be provided. It is the responsibility of the Safety Director to coordinate and implement this Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety Policy. Compliance with this Management System is mandatory for all levels of staff. Environmental impacts and OH&S risks are fully considered in all activities of GCE. Appropriate environmental and OH&S objectives and targets are set out and reviewed regularly. Compliance with all legal responsibilities and other environmental and OH&S requirements that are applicable to GCE’s activities and services shall be the minimum requirement of GCE.

GCE is committed to providing measures to prevent pollution to the environment, and to provide a safe and healthy working environment to all staff members by identifying and eliminating all the potential environmental impacts and OH&S risks. GCE is also committed to consultation and the participation of workers in the development and operation of the Management System. Management will regularly plan, monitor and review its Environmental and OH&S performance. GCE is also devoted to reach the goal of continuous improvement in minimizing environment pollution and increasing control of health and safety risks by providing all personnel with knowledge to enhance health and safety awareness.

GCE informs our customers, suppliers, sub-contractors, all staff members and other parties of interest regarding our environmental and OH&S policies and encourage them to make improvements on their respective environmental and OH&S performances. Management will ensure that review of the policy is conducted annually and the feedback from the above involved parties will be considered. Any changes in the policy is disseminated during the Management Review Meeting and to the above involved parties.

The objectives and targets set within this Environmental Policy are designed to minimize inefficient use of energy and resources while enhancing a green- and healthy-styled working environment in offices.

The purpose of a Safety and Health target is to prevent accidents from occurring, and to avoid legal infringements and subsequent prosecutions; the target maximum accident frequency rate is 0.6 per 100,000 man-hour.

Peter L.K. YU (Managing Director)
12 July 2024

To become a leading and preferable professional company in providing highest quality consultation services to our customers in civil, geotechnical and materials engineering construction, and testing of building and civil engineering construction materials.

Management Vision

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